Video Dr.Maza, Hak Penjagaan Anak-anak Puan Loh dan Video Berkaitan.

Video Dr.Maza, Hak Penjagaan Anak-anak Puan Loh dan Video Berkaitan.

1. Baharu aku tengok full video. Dr Maza.
Apa Punya Spin Wei Dr.
Soalan pasal hak penjagaan anak-anak.
Dia pi pusing Indialah, Pelampaulah, Daplah, Tak kempenlah, Anak-anak mahulah, Bapa (ada masalah) mahulah, Saudara dia sokonglah, kita jagalah, Tak tahu pasal surat mahkamahlah, Memerangi agamalah. Adoi. Semua alasan ini tidak valid, poin negatif, tak ada markah.
Senang cerita.
a.Surat mahkamah jelas. Hak kepada ibu. Pulangkan sahaja.
b. Kalau ada hal lain yang tak betul, saman aje pihak yang tuduh liar itu.
c. Kalau anak-anak betul dapat arul/Hidayah, pasti dia ikut agama....
Kan senang dan harmoni.
Adakah saya perlu tulis satu artikel untuk jelas semua perkara itu ?
(Macam artikel bhai di bawah)

2. Video berkaitan Stand For Nazirah. (Updated 18/02/2022)

Part 1 and 2

Just hand over the children.

Hahaha, you talk about 'Aram'?

a.Many of ustaz, pendakwah talk bad about Hinduism to maximum...where is your aram hiding? Are you not a mukminah? Why not question them when your scripture says, do not insult...Why does the she never take the right steps to stop them when these Muslims insult and demean Hinduism? Aren’t these not considered insulting? 

What these so-called preachers said (a pinch of what they said)

i. Zakir …. Hindus deviated from Vedas, etc.

ii. Firdaus Wong….. Hindus deviated from Vedas, Trisula Siva equated as Satan's spear, etc.

iii. Ahmad Iqram… Rama eats beef according to Ramayana, etc.

iv. Zamri Vinoth...Hindus pray stone, Sivalingam is penis, etc.

v. Abdul Halim Abdullah… Temples are worst than Prostitution nests.

vi. Idris Sulaiman... Temple is the house of Satan.

vii. Syakir Nasuha…. Kafirs/Hindus, etc want to kill Muslims.

viii. Shah Kirit….ehm, ehm…etc

ix. Hidayat….Satan climbing. ( only convicted case)

x. Dr. Maza…praying cow. etc

The list goes on.

Can anyone insult and demean Hinduism worse than them? Or what is the exact definition for insult and demean as per your faith if the above preachers are considered not insulting?

b.Convert a child without her mother's consent is wrong, don't you know? Prophet himself said mother's consent is important.

c. You claim she lied about 3 years...Mac 2020 to now Feb 2022 minus 😳, probably she mean after that.

d. About her personal issue, why you try to humiliate a you know her real story?

Your allegations.

i. Did you investigate or ask her?

ii. Did you ever asked personally, Did she admitted with your claims?

iii. Even If it is so, that is her personal matter.

You don't know which one is the truth but 'naku kusuthe'/ uneasy. Lol  this can be fitnah if that is wrong🤔 Or did you have any solid evidence or this will be another defamation...🤔

e. What is the credibility of father if he have many other legal problems (drug, abuse, jail)?
f. Under aged children have no say legally.
g. Highest law is Perlembagaan Malaysia, Perkara 4...

3. Video terbaharu Zamri Budak Zaman Batu 21/02/2022
 Budak Zaman Batu Berkempen Rupanya! dibaca dalam link ini .

Just hand over the children.

One thing is pondering my mine...
Why the father's side supporting the conversion and why rejecting her?

Soalan kepada Para Mukmin,
Apakah tindakan kamu jika anak kamu terperangkap dalam situasi begini, ada orang tukar agama?

Om Namasivaya
17 February 2022
(Updated 18/02/2022)

1.Video Maza

2.Is the Bhai Attacking Hinduism or Arun Dorasamy?

3.Stand for Nazirah video by a girl...

Part 1

Part 2 (Sudah delete sendiri)

Name unknown, Talk on behalf Puan Nazirah.

4. Paradise under the feet of mothers

5.Quran and Hadith on mothers

6. DS Anwar on Mother's consent needed… Prophet. 

A father converted a child to Islam without the mother. Prophet sent back the child to the mother.

7.Answering the Girl for Stand for Nazirah video

7. Video Zamri 21/02/2022

8.Budak Zaman Batu Berkempen Rupanya!

9. Sudah Ada Peha Hendak Betis Juga. Ditujukan Kepada Penulis Rasis.

Part 1

Part 2


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