Yahgappu Adaikkalam Insulting Hinduism: Case No.9 / 21 September 2020


Yahgappu Adaikkalam Insulting Hinduism: Case No.9 / 21 September 2020 

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Fb posting by someone named Yahqappu Adaikkalam. 

Probably a Christian or an atheist (of Karuppar kootham) is kept on Insulting and demeaning Hinduism through many of his FB posts. A Malaysian from Batu Arang, Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia.

And recently he wrote about Tilak (Vaisnava Forehead Symbol) associated with vulgarity. 

From His Post.
Yahgappu Adaikkalam, Founding Members of  Free Hinduism From Brahmanism page,

“The mark on the forehead of a vaishnava is a symbol of a female genitalia, the vagina... Ask any of them if they know it and they will digress and say it is a footprint. Truly the bakti movement was based on erotism and much like porn today did attract the masses....”

வைணவ சின்னம் ஒரு பெண்குறி, பக்தி மார்க்கம் காமத்தை பயன்படுத்தியே கவர்ச்சிகரமான சமயமாக வளர்த்தது..

சைவம் ஆண்குறியை வைத்திருக்கு வைணவம் பெண் உறுப்பை நெற்றியில் பூசிருக்கு..”

He writes under the name of Yahqappu Adaikkalam. But other sites on social media show he is a Christian but claims about Samanar (Jain). 

This post is shared in the Free Hinduism From Brahmanism page. This page is another anti-Hindu page administered by other atheists in a disguised group. One of the administrators is Sandra Segaran, a Malaysian who lives in Singapore. 

Snapshots from this page.

Advised him to remove the post but he is adamant to sustain his post.

His original post in his Fb page.

He is a Christian in disguise. 

His name is Yahqappu James Adaikkalam. Religious belief is ‘A UNIVERSAL CHRIST REALIZED PERSON’

Relevant Hindu bodies must take necessary actions according to the law to teach a good lesson to him in order to prevent further insultations by him and others.

Om Mahakali.


Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation.

21 September 2020.

1.Update, for now, 22/9/2020 morning.
I was informed,
MHS aware of this and will follow up.
MHDM is also aware of this.
Another NGO, Mr. Shashi called this fellow, advised him to remove 
his post. I heard he promised to remove it.
I noticed that the FHFB page which he shared the post, removed it but 
his original post in his Fb wall is not removed yet.
If he is still adamant, then the next action will be taken. 
The Admin of the FHFB page blocked me.

2.Update for 23/9/2020
After advised by many Hindu bodies, I also called him personally, but he adamant and doesn't want to remove and/or put up an apology, so the next action reports against him.
Yesterday I asked him to give the proof from the authentic Hindu Vainava Scriptures about his claims, but nothing he gave.
He claims he is an ex-Christian (apostate) and now following Samanar (Tamil Jain). As far as I know, the real Jains don't do such stupid things. Yesterday he posted further on his claim without any proofs.

3. Reporting Against Yahgappu Adaikkalam.

4. Update for 24/9/2020
He blocked me from his Fb page but still having the demeaned posts against Hinduism. He was given enough time to give the authentic proof from Hindu Scriptures or remove it with an apology.
Tomorrow will be launching a police report at Subang Jaya IPD. Mr. Maran Muniandy will be joining together, time about 10am -10.30am. Anyone want to join, you are welcome. If you are at a different place, you may report individually (sample report in the blog). If possible, please PM me a copy. You may contact me at 010 2699411.Tq. (Any changes will be informed)


  1. Shared post https://m.facebook.com/groups/1181903868823389?view=permalink&id=1272333379780437

  2. Original post 


  1. Lord's Garden 


4. Sandra Segaran 
Admin of the page. Free Hinduism From Brahmanism. 


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