MITRA and a Pinch of Cake.

MITRA and a Pinch of Cake.

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I went to MITRA’s meeting today in Brickfields to get to know
what is going on. I saw many articles condemning Mitra recently. 

The director, Mr M.Mahalingam (a good friend too) explained
what they are doing, their goals, achievements and targets.
It sounds good. Especially the training programme for  youths
such as Cruise Training
The programme collaborated with Akademi Laut and offering a job for
them which can reap up to ten thousand salaries per month in
international cruises. This type of programme will really transform
the family of the youth of  28,800 families (the hardcore 10%)
from B40 group. ( Total about 288,000 families in this category).
Mitra is doing a good job overall.

But one thing is pondering my mind.  Indians were given 100 Million.
How much is given to the Chinese community and Malay community under
this type of scheme? From a big cake, Indians got a pinch (small piece) and we are
arguing, complaining and fighting for an individual share of the pinch of
cake. Mitra is trying their level best to distribute the part  cake among

Mitra should also tap the help from other departments to help
Indians, not only focusing on distributing the cake alone. Are we only
entitled for this pinch of cake or are we able to try getting help from other
government agencies too? If other government agencies offer many types
of help, how Mitra is helping Indians to reach out that other departments'
helps? Mitra should have a unit especially to identify the chances from various
departments and sources and make sure the left out groups will be able to
access that. If Mitra got such a unit, then they should make sure it
reached the grass root.

You may get all the info through downloading Apps  such as ‘ASK MITRA’
which I knew only today and attach yourself with the Fb link ‘MITRA JPM’.
Don’t miss your pinch of cake if any.

Google App

Fb Page

Hope every deserving person gets his/her share. 
Om Namasivaya.

Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation
19 January 2020


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