Ridhuan Tee Abdullah's Fallacy on Hindu Temples.

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah's Fallacy on Hindu Temples.

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Temples are the legacy of history and pride of the nation. Need to gazette all the estate temples built before independence. Every time, if a temple demolished, it is an erased history of Indians.

A Temple in Perak

Before Independence (Merdeka).
Most of the Hindu temples were built by the estate management during the British era for the workers. These estates contributed a huge and significant development for the country. Jungles were cleared by these estate people, the Indians.  Later these estates were bought over by Malaysian GLCs. The new owners failed to see or recognize the Indians' contributions.

Pride and History of Nation.
Early Hindu temples are the symbols of Indians’ contributions to the nation. It is supposed to be the pride and history of the nation. One of the temples is the Seafield Mahamariamman Temple. The Indians cleared the jungles to help the country to be built as today. Without Indians, there are no estates, no estate linked GLCs, no new urban areas from Petaling Jaya to Putrajaya, all were former estates worked by Indians.

Part of Seafield Temple

Hindu Customary Law
Temples a must, Hindus believe one cannot stay in a place where there are no temples, so it is very important to build a temple. So, Hindus build a temple in every place where they stay. Without temples, negative energies will roam freely and can become a nuisance to people.  For example, Putrajaya Hospital spends monthly a large bill to bomohs' services to eliminate the negative energies.

After Independence
Not many temples were built. But, when estates were sold,  these Indians left the estates to urban areas, they lost their job, place of stay, temples, etc. So, in some new places they built a temple according to their capacity, use the government's empty lands, yet PBT never approved. This is because of the failures of the Government and Private companies CRS to provide a proper solution for them. The government failed in his duty to uphold Rukun Negara.

Ridhuan's Statistics.

“Surau dan masjid hanya mempunyai sekitar tidak sampai 30,000 di seluruh negara. Sedangkan kuil Hindu hampir 300,000 kecil besar, haram dan halal,” katanya.

Ridhuan claims there are 300,000 Hindu temples for less than 2 million Hindus compared to 30,000 mosques and suraus only for 18 million Muslims.
My questions to Ridhuan Tee. Can you provide the proof for the claim? I would like to see the full list of 300,000 temples (name, location, etc.).
I believe this is most likely the stupidest claim I ever came across from a so-called academician holding professorship.
I wonder if you are phobic, the phobia made you see any of the huge trees as Hindu temples. Or, maybe you had forgotten your past, counted every small roadside  Datuk Kong Chinese Tokongs assuming as Hindu temples.
Regarding 30,000 mosques and suraus,  Ridhuan, did you count the surau in your working place, other working places, in schools, etc.?

Hindu Organizations Statistics.

The number is far less. Those built,
1. Agamic compliant architecture temples were about 20-50.
2.Registered and Unregistered. A check with Hindu organizations in Malaysia is estimated at 2600 temples on their records.
3. In  Wikipedia,  the number shows only 445 temples on record.
4. The Real count. Must check with ROS, ROC, etc.

Malay version

Warisan Sejarah Negara
Kuil ialah bukti sejarah menunjukan sumbangan orang India keatas pembangunan negara. Lebih banyak bermaksud lebih besar pengorbanan masyarakat India kepada negara.
Malaya dan Malaysia bergantung kepada ekonomi perladangan,  disamping orang cina di lombong dan perniagaan.
Mengenai jumlah kuil banyak,  ada yang klaim sampai 300,000 (Ridhuan Tee),  Ridhuan Tee mungkin phobia sampai terkira tokong - tokong Datuk Kong dan pokok-pokok besar sebagai kuil Hindu. Jumlah sebenar tidak sampai 3000 buah.

Bilangan kuil.
Ada 'pakar' yang membuat data mengenai bilangan kuil berjumlah 300,000 buah kesemuanya. Boleh bagi senarai 300,000 buah kuil itu? Ridhuan Tee yang anggarkan jumlah 300,000 buah kuil itu mungkin  phobia terhadap kuil sehingga melihat pokok-pokok besar, semuanya nampak seperti kuil. Ataupun tidak dapat bezakan antara kuil dengan tokong Cina Datuk Kong.

Mengikut data yang diperolehi oleh pertubuhan Hindu, ada lebih kurang  2600 buah kuil (berdaftar dan tidak berdaftar) di seluruh Malaysia.
Kerajaan lama Umno BN gagal berlaku adil untuk menyediakan tapak yang sesuai untuk rumah ibadat selaras dengan Rukun Negara.
i.Ladang-ladang yang ditukar kepada perbandaran, telah kehilangan jumlah kuil yang banyak. Tetapi tiada tapak baru yang setimpal diberikan.
ii. Tapak yang disediakan tidak diluluskan atas pelbagai alasan.
iii. Ada sejumlah kecil tapak yang diberikan,tetapi ia ialah kawasan yang tidak mengikut spesifikasi adat agamik, (kawasan kumbahan)
iv. Kuil -kuil yang dibina sejak zaman sebelum merdeka tidak digazetkan secara otomatik. Ia merupakan warisan sejarah negara.

Undang-undang Adat Hindu
Menegaskan supaya jangan tinggal di kawasan yang tiada kuil. Amalan ini dipegang oleh orang Hindu. Maka kuil sangat penting dalam kehidupan. Dalam masa 60 tahun, banyak kuil telah dimusnahkan atas pelbagai sebab.

Anyway,  dear Ridhuan,
The number of temples shows the contribution of  Indians since the British era up to the 1980s. The contribution of Indians in the estates for the growth of economy and development.  These are proofs, how much the Indians, the Hindus sacrifice for the development of this country.

Om Namasivaya

Sri Sivasiddhi.
Adviser: Anmiga Sagotharar
Sivasiddhi Spiritual Foundation Malaysia.
6 April  2019


1. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.
300000 kuil di Malaysia.


3. List of Hindu Temples in Malaysia

4. MyNadi database.

5. 40 Bomoh memagar hospital

6.Kronologi Isu Kuil Seafield


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